
Portfolio onboarding advice

Erica Amatori: We do it pretty manually – presentation / formal meeting – think that is still the best way in order to really capture needs from the beginning. Plus, if you have a good internal platform where all resources are kept, that makes it easier Halle Kaplan-Allen: made some recommendations here! Erica Amatori: @Will […]

Adding family offices to your LP pipeline

David Teten: Clay Norris: Unfortunately, these people move pretty slow, and it will take multiple months of meetings before any next steps are made. In terms of getting in the door, Iโ€™d suggest asking your existing LPs to broker intros for you.

Web designers / developer recommendations

Cassandra Carothers: team is awesome David Teten: I list some vendors at Roni Hirand: Mike Viney from Deckworks is v good!

Partnering with CVCs to support portfolio companies

Ginger Rothrock: Andrea – happy to comment (as a CVC and former founder that dealt w CVCs). Its HIGHLY CVC-specific. Some CVCs (like ours) are set up to be more like a pure VC in terms of structure and function, others are strategic only and need alignment with a business unit. I’d suggest this Techcrunch […]

KPIs to evaluate junior VCs

Jack Abramowitz: I have this idea that tracking conversion in your funnel (from due dili to IC to TS negotiation to check written) is important because as you become a better investor you will be able to filter out companies at the top of the funnel and waste less time at the bottom of the […]

Pricing an early-stage enterprise product

Sibi Murugesan: We’d definitely say the latter (move faster, iterate with feedback from users). Pricing is a function of value so spending all of the time to get it “right” usually results in a waste of time when you could be shipping product (at least in our experiences) Parasvil Patel: Depends on the sales motion. […]

Structuring deals to share carry

Jonathan Abrams: + Clay Norris: Iโ€™d say the same – splitting through AngelList has been very easy

Best software for tracking deals

Vlad Cazacu: I am actually very curious to hear people’s thoughts on this one. Used Affinity, Totem, Airtable and Google Sheets across 3 different teams and decided to build one myself since none of them satisfied all the requirements. David Teten: Maybe helpful: Designing a CRM and Marketing Tech Platform for a New Private Equity/Venture […]