

4.4/5.0 โญ

Jasper lets you create 10x content faster with AI.

Stages ๐Ÿš€

Lowest Price:

Highest Price:

Pricing note:

Billing period:
Free trial / plan:
Transparent pricing:
Refund Policy

They honor a 7-day money-back guarantee from your previous date of purchase if you have not used a completed free trial.

When you cancel your account, refunds are not automatic. You will need to reach out directly to them within seven days of the charge to receive a refund. Cancellations are defaulted to be set at the end of your billing cycle.

They will not issue a refund for any months you used your account outside of their refund policy.
They will not issue a refund if you have used your account in the same calendar month as your request outside of the 7-day money-back guarantee. Instead, please cancel your account to avoid any future subscription charges.
Refunds are only applicable to the current subscription charge on your account, not for charges from the prior month or additional charges added to your account. They hold their customers responsible for managing their accounts and active subscriptions.

Best for
  1. Content Marketing Manager
  2. Copywriter
  3. Social Media Strategist
Target Audience’s target audience includes businesses and professionals seeking AI-driven solutions for content creation and writing assistance.

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Simply answer a few short questions (should take 60 seconds) to see if you qualify for membership. We’ll get back to you within a week.


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Create a powerful calculator form for your website. And start...

CopyAI is a startup building AI-powered copywriting tools for business...

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Jasper lets you create 10x content faster with AI.

Stages ๐Ÿš€

Lowest Price:

Highest Price:

Pricing note:

Billing period:
Free trial / plan:
Transparent pricing:
Refund Policy

They honor a 7-day money-back guarantee from your previous date of purchase if you have not used a completed free trial.

When you cancel your account, refunds are not automatic. You will need to reach out directly to them within seven days of the charge to receive a refund. Cancellations are defaulted to be set at the end of your billing cycle.

They will not issue a refund for any months you used your account outside of their refund policy.
They will not issue a refund if you have used your account in the same calendar month as your request outside of the 7-day money-back guarantee. Instead, please cancel your account to avoid any future subscription charges.
Refunds are only applicable to the current subscription charge on your account, not for charges from the prior month or additional charges added to your account. They hold their customers responsible for managing their accounts and active subscriptions.

Best for
  1. Content Marketing Manager
  2. Copywriter
  3. Social Media Strategist
Target Audience’s target audience includes businesses and professionals seeking AI-driven solutions for content creation and writing assistance.

Looking to join the #1 venture community in the world?

Simply answer a few short questions (should take 60 seconds) to see if you qualify for membership. We’ll get back to you within a week.

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