- Understand fund dynamics before joining any fund. Outbound strategies = army of analysts
- Thesis-lead investing = partners determine where to invest and less people need to do outbound
- Outbound shops are programmatic with sourcing. You will get training, but a lot of these roles ultimately act as sales roles.
- Larger shops have the benefit of creating social circles. Venture is a lonely world, and this can help with that.
- Small firms can’t see every deal and you’re constrained by hours. This forces you to form discipline, go deep, and become an expert on it.
- If you understand a market in and out, you can have deeper conversations with founders, and you can actually help founders after investing.
- Publicly sharing theses is how to attract more inbound. VCs that were early to blogging have reaped the rewards from sharing.
- “The next great mental health company won’t look like a mental health company.”
- Gamified and fun products ultimately win regardless of market.
- Fintech in emerging markets is a huge category.
- BNPL (buy now, pay later) unlocks consumer access to credit. Especially in emerging markets where everybody has access to a smartphone but nobody has a credit card, this unlocks enormous amounts of capital.