Web designers / developer recommendations
Cassandra Carothers: https://startwithbldr.com/ team is awesome David Teten: I list some vendors at teten.com/pitch Roni Hirand: Mike Viney from Deckworks is v good!
Email tracking tools for better engagement metrics
Clay Norris: I’ve primarily heard people using MixMax but haven’t played around with it myself Vlad Cazacu: Been using Streak for about 3 years and it’s been very helpful
Resources for emerging managers
David Teten: teten.com/vced and teten.com/vcs Sarah Holmes: https://www.beondeck.com/vc Clay Norris: Confluence.VC
Best events for family offices to attend
Ryan Piela: If you invest in emerging managers, this is a good conference: (https://raise.events/). Also, currently raising a fund, if you’re open to chatting? Jonathan Abrams: The RAISE conf is a great event, and yet Iโve found that many of the registered LPs are not really actively investing in new funds, and all of them […]
Resources for learning cap tables
Sarah Holmes: highly recommend taking/sending associates to take Zach’s class (https://modelingforventure.capital/) Clay Norris: I took this course when I was starting out, and I thought it was a good primer.
Loan facilities for funds
David Teten: Capchase/Pipe Clay Norris: Iโve mostly heard Pipe as well (https://pipe.com/angellist) Trey Buck: +1 on CapChase Charlie Graham-Brown: thanks all. FYI: CapChase arenโt offering this pipe offer โupfront access to 50-75% of future management fees over 8-16 quarters (2-4 years)โ you just need a US or UK account
Interview guide for ESG strategy projects
Taylor Schaude: 500 Startups have phenomenal resources about this. https://500.co/esg. Tracy makes these efforts and has a lot of experience in this space. Feel free to reach out to her via email (tracy.barba@500.co) and let her know that I shared her contact information with you.
Splitting carry
Jonathan Abrams: https://www.angellist.com/blog/introducing-deal-partners or https://help.venture.angel.co/hc/en-us/articles/360060110952-How-does-sharing-carry-with-deal-partners-work- Clay Norris: Iโd say the same – splitting through AngelList has been very easy Kevin Monserrat: depending on what you are investing in, I could talk to you how we are doing this with other VCs. In short, we are tokenizing funds so that it’s more accurate, less risky, and […]
Advice on Fund II decks
David Teten: teten.com/lpdd Maddy Crema: hey guys! I would say you’re right on more data – now that you have a track record you should share the latest performance metrics for your portfolio (TVPI, DPI, IRR). it’s helpful to also share detail on portfolio construction (# of investments, at what stages, avg check size at […]
Salary data on Series A / B companies
Clay Norris: I’ve used this before to get a general gauge https://angel.co/salaries Ginger Rothrock: Startups can get free data on compensation at option impact. The startup has to do it โ https://www.advanced-hr.com/private-company. We pay for it – I think its $6K or something like that. Amazing database and it separates out by geo, C-level role, […]