Building an investment thesis

Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp Email Join the community to ask and answer questions Clay Norris: This section of the resource library has a few good examples: Read More

Securely sharing video content

Clay Norris: You should check out Loom. We’ve started using it for everything Amr Alshihabi: seems like they have a 4mb limit Clay Norris: Paid plans are worth the $10/month price tag Jonathan Abrams: Ashish Aggarwal: Vimeo is one of the best options. Most of the individual creators use Vimeo for sharing high-quality videos […]

Portfolio management software options

Clay Norris: Shameless plug, but Visible is the best in the market Jack Abramowitz: Quaestor is good Halle Kaplan-Allen: +1 for visible Aditi Rajagopal: @Jack Abramowitz do they have an investor relations portal? Jack Abramowitz: Yes, they do as far as I understand

Insurance carrier recommendations for <$30mm funds

Clay Norris: Don’t really have a dog in the fight, but it looks Embroker might be one worth checking out. Looks like the ones with a budget to spend on ads are: Thimble Biberk Hartford Embroker Mike Preuss: I think Vouch is also insuring emerging managers and funds now. I have a contact of their […]

EA service provider recommendations

Clay Norris: I use Fiverr to bang out a bunch of manual tasks (can sometimes be a language barrier, so plan your projects accordingly). I also know that Vitalize just announced a database of 600+ people looking for contract gigs within VC

Thoughts on using Tracxn for sourcing

Clay Norris: Looked at it in the past and leveraged a free trial but ultimately opted out of using it because of the price. Thought it was generally helpful for market research and sourcing while I had access Jak Lewis: Had similar findings myself. Market mapping/ understanding activity within a space seems very easy in […]

Structuring deals to share carry

Jonathan Abrams: + Clay Norris: Iโ€™d say the same – splitting through AngelList has been very easy

Best software for tracking deals

Vlad Cazacu: I am actually very curious to hear people’s thoughts on this one. Used Affinity, Totem, Airtable and Google Sheets across 3 different teams and decided to build one myself since none of them satisfied all the requirements. David Teten: Maybe helpful: Designing a CRM and Marketing Tech Platform for a New Private Equity/Venture […]

Carry contract for associates

Clay Norris: Are you looking for a template or an idea on how much associates / venture partners are making in carry? Olivia Goldstein: A template! David Teten: (but incomplete)