39 Series B Investors in MA

Sometimes you should prioritize investors in your own state before searching outside state lines. Investors like backing local talent, and your odds of securing funding are higher from local investors than they are from investors outside of your state. Here are 39 investors based in Massachusetts that invest at Series B.

1) Ali Mahmoud

  • Fund: Glasswing Ventures
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Fintech, Government Tech, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Enterprise, Other Tech, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Sales Tech

2) Aman Kapoor

  • Fund: Pacific Lake Partners
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Internet of Things, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Fintech, Professional or Technical Services

3) Amanda Zajac

  • Fund: Bain Capital Ventures
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Digital Health and Wellness

4) Amy Tan

  • Fund: Cue Ball Capital
  • Title: Investment Associate
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, Food and Beverage, DEI, Marketplaces, Food Services, Social Impact

5) Ankesh Madan

  • Fund: Hitachi Ventures
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Enterprise, Other Tech, Social Impact

6) Anoushka Ramkumar

  • Fund: Romulus Capital
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Cybersecurity, Digital Health and Wellness, Electronics, Fintech, Hospitality, Internet of Things, Logistics, Manufacturing, Chemicals, Enterprise, Proptech, Robotics

7) Anthony Zlaket

  • Fund: UnityPoint Health Ventures
  • Title: Venture Capital Investor
  • Location: Cambridge, MA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Internet of Things, Digital Health and Wellness, Professional or Technical Services

8) Betsy Mulรฉ

  • Fund: F-Prime Capital
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Cambridge, MA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, AR/VR, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Cloud, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce

9) Brett Chatfield

  • Fund: Progress Ventures
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, AI, E-Commerce

10) Carl Choi

  • Fund: Solasta Ventures
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, AI, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Entertainment, Recruiting, Marketplaces, Space, Robotics, Quantum Computing

11) Cavin Mozarmi

  • Fund: REMUS Capital
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Cloud, Developer Tools, Future of Work, Fintech, Enterprise

12) Cherry Huang

  • Fund: Fidelity Investments
  • Title: Corporate Venture Analyst
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: Internet of Things, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Fintech, Enterprise

13) Chiyoung Kim

  • Fund: Playground Labs
  • Title: Head Of Partnerships
  • Location: Cambridge, MA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact

14) Christine Wang

  • Fund: Fidelity Investments
  • Title: Director – Devonshire Investors
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Series B, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Food and Beverage, eSports, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Food Services, Sex

15) Clay Berger

  • Fund: OpenView
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Future of Work, Fintech, Recruiting, Legal, Enterprise, Sales Tech

16) Erika Nash

  • Fund: OpenView
  • Title: Vice President
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Sales Tech

17) Gavin Loudfoot

  • Fund: OpenView
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Future of Work, Internet of Things, Fintech, E-Commerce, Digital Health and Wellness, Professional or Technical Services, Sales Tech

18) James Kuklinski

  • Fund: Spark Capital
  • Title: General Partner
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Cloud, Developer Tools, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Fintech, Marketplaces, Enterprise

19) Jessica Federer

  • Fund: Boston Millennia Partners
  • Title: Partner
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Digital Health and Wellness, Other Tech, Internet of Things

20) Kaitlyn Henry

  • Fund: OpenView
  • Title: Vice President
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Future of Work, Fintech, Enterprise

21) Lee Carter

  • Fund: Equal Opportunity Ventures
  • Title: Partner
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Clean Tech, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Future of Work, Internet of Things, Logistics, Manufacturing, Social Impact, Space, Transportation

22) Lem Lim

  • Fund: Avery Dennison
  • Title: Venture Associate, Open Innovation & Venture Investments
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Digital Health and Wellness, Internet of Things

23) Lisette Tellez

  • Fund: Ocean Azul Partners
  • Title: Managing Director
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, AI, Internet of Things, Cloud, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, Enterprise

24) Mary Tobin

  • Fund: Liberty Mutual Insurtech
  • Title: Principal, Liberty Mutual Strategic Ventures
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Insurtech

25) Noelle Hutchins

  • Fund: Omega Funds
  • Title: Investment Associate
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Internet of Things

26) Reva Nohria

  • Fund: General Catalyst
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: Cambridge, MA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Digital Health and Wellness, Insurtech, Marketplaces

27) Ripley Hartmeyer

  • Fund: General Catalyst
  • Title: Director, Executive Talent
  • Location: Cambridge, MA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Future of Work, E-Commerce, Fintech, Logistics, Marketplaces, Enterprise

28) Rohan Malhotra

  • Fund: Brewer Lane Ventures
  • Title: General Partner
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Cybersecurity, Digital Health and Wellness, Fintech, Insurtech

29) Rohit Mahtani

  • Fund: PSG
  • Title: Growth Investor
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B, Seed, Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: AI, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Fintech, Sales Tech

30) Sam McMeley

  • Fund: Charles River Associates
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Fintech, Insurtech, Enterprise

31) Samara Gordon

  • Fund: Hyperplane Venture Capital
  • Title: Partner
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, Fintech, Insurtech, Legal, Logistics, Robotics, Transportation

32) Senofer Mendoza

  • Fund: Mendoza Ventures
  • Title: Founder and General Partner
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, AI, Art, Clean Tech, Cybersecurity, Future of Work, Fintech, DEI, Hospitality, Other Tech, Social Impact

33) Spencer Singer

  • Fund: MassMutual Ventures
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Marketing, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Fintech, Insurtech, Legal, Marketplaces, Enterprise, Proptech, Sales Tech

34) Stash Pomichter

  • Fund: REMUS Capital
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Cloud, Developer Tools, Future of Work, Fintech, Enterprise

35) Tracy Deforge

  • Fund: The Players’ Impact
  • Title: Founder
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

36) Tyler Savitsky

  • Fund: Romulus Capital
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, Clean Tech, Manufacturing, Chemicals, Proptech, Transportation

37) Van Jones

  • Fund: Wellington Management
  • Title: Deal Lead, Diverse Founders Investing
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Cloud, Developer Tools, Insurtech, DEI, Sales Tech, Fintech

38) Vickram Pradhan

  • Fund: Sopris Capital Associates
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Digital Health and Wellness, Legal, Marketplaces, Other, Enterprise, Other Tech, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Sales Tech

39) Vinay Ramprasad

  • Fund: Great Hill Partners
  • Title: Vice President
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Agriculture Tech, AR/VR, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Future of Work, EdTech, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, DEI, Internet of Things, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Enterprise, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Transportation, Other

Hopefully this list helps you find more local investors that invest in companies at your stage. If you’re looking to pitch these investors + the rest of the Confluence.VC investor network, make sure to check out Commonapp.VC