39 Investors in Toronto

Toronto is a great city for startups. Not only is the talent pool deep and diverse, but there’s also an active investor community that’s eager to help young companies grow. Here are 39 investors within Confluence. VC that are looking to partner with Toronto- based businesses who you should know about.

1) Alex Tong

  • Fund: Information Venture Partners
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Cybersecurity, Fintech, Insurtech

2) Alexander Barclay

  • Fund: Graphite Ventures
  • Title: Investor, Director of Data & Operations
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AI, AR/VR, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, Fintech, Recruiting, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, DEI, Enterprise, Other Tech, Sales Tech, Transportation

3) Andrew Opala

  • Fund: Preference Capital Inc.
  • Title: Founder & Managing Partner
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Communications, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Space, Sales Tech, Robotics, Quantum Computing, Other Tech, Chemicals, Manufacturing, Logistics, Internet of Things, Fintech, EdTech

4) Arlene Paterson

  • Fund: Canadian Business Growth Fund (CBGF)
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Series B, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Insurtech, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel, Other

5) Brendan Foster

  • Fund: Information Venture Partners
  • Title: Analyst
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Fintech, Insurtech, Enterprise

6) Cindy Chen

  • Fund: Brookfield Asset Management
  • Title: Investor at Brookfield Growth
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: Manufacturing, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech

7) Connor Edwards

  • Fund: Graphite Ventures
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, AI, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Fintech, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Enterprise, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Sales Tech, Transportation, Travel

8) Courtney Cooper

  • Fund: Alate Partners
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Communications, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Proptech, Transportation

9) David Tingle

  • Fund: Georgian
  • Title: Engagement Manager
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Cloud, Cybersecurity, E-Commerce, Fintech, Logistics, Quantum Computing

10) David Zhao

  • Fund: Parametric
  • Title: Partner
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, AI, Clean Tech, Cloud, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, EdTech, Fintech, eSports, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Enterprise

11) Dominic Lau

  • Fund: Ripple Ventures
  • Title: Partner
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Web3, Developer Tools, E-Commerce, Fintech, Enterprise

12) Emma Johnson

  • Fund: Klass Capital
  • Title: Growth Equity Investor
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Fintech, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Future of Work, Government Tech, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Enterprise, Other Tech

13) Faizal Javer

  • Fund: Greyhill Venture Partners
  • Title: Managing Partner
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Travel, Transportation, Space, Social Impact, Sex, Sales Tech, Robotics, Food Services, Other, Quantum Computing, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services, Parenting, Other Tech, Enterprise, Consumer, Media

14) George Brooke

  • Fund: CPP Investments
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, Fintech, eSports, DEI, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech

15) Ha Nguyen

  • Fund: McRock Capital
  • Title: Vice President
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Agriculture Tech, AI, Clean Tech, Internet of Things, Manufacturing, Robotics

16) Jake Cassaday

  • Fund: Relay Ventures
  • Title: Venture Partner
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Fintech, eSports, Marketplaces, Media, Proptech, Transportation

17) Joanna Creed

  • Fund: Venturon
  • Title: Director Of Operations & General Counsel
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: AI, Proptech

18) Joe DeCicco

  • Fund: CPP Investments
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Series B, Series A, Seed
  • Sectors: Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, EdTech, Fintech, eSports, Internet of Things, Marketplaces, Other Tech

19) Katheleen Eva

  • Fund: Standup Ventures
  • Title: Venture Capital Investor
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, AI, Internet of Things, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Digital Health and Wellness, EdTech, Electronics, Fintech, Food and Beverage, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Enterprise, Other Tech

20) Kory Henn

  • Fund: Concrete Ventures
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Sales Tech, Space

21) Lucas Perlman

  • Fund: StandUp Ventures
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, AI, Internet of Things, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Enterprise, Other Tech, Proptech, Sales Tech, Social Impact

22) Mackenzie Puklicz

  • Fund: Graphite Ventures
  • Title: Investment Analyst
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Consumer, Media, Enterprise, Other Tech, Sales Tech, Travel

23) Matt Cohen

  • Fund: Ripple Ventures
  • Title: Founder & Managing Partner
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Fintech, Insurtech, Legal, Marketplaces, Enterprise, Proptech, Sales Tech, Transportation

24) Matthew Roberts

  • Fund: Brookfield Asset Management
  • Title: Investor at Brookfield Growth
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: Clean Tech, Cybersecurity, Future of Work, Fintech, Logistics, Marketplaces, Transportation

25) Melissa Belbeck

  • Fund: Whitecap Venture Partners
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Internet of Things, Digital Health and Wellness, EdTech, Enterprise

26) Michelle McBane

  • Fund: StandUp Ventures
  • Title: Managing Director
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Seed
  • Sectors: AI, Internet of Things, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, Fintech, Enterprise

27) Michelle Yu

  • Fund: Georgian
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: AI, AR/VR, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Fintech, Sales Tech, Logistics, Insurtech, Future of Work

28) Muhammed Shibin

  • Fund: Techstars
  • Title: Venture Associate (Global Startup Pipeline Team)
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Other Tech, Professional or Technical Services, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Space, Transportation

29) Muneeb Ahmed

  • Fund: Impression Ventures
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Fintech, Insurtech, Proptech

30) Niamh Barry

  • Fund: Georgian
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, AI, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Future of Work, EdTech, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Enterprise, Other Tech, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Sales Tech

31) Parasvil Patel

  • Fund: Radical Ventures
  • Title: Partner
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Fintech, Recruiting, Insurtech, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Sales Tech, Transportation

32) Pauline Tsai

  • Fund: ArcTern Ventures
  • Title: Analyst
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Food and Beverage, Insurtech, Logistics, Manufacturing, Chemicals, Proptech, Robotics, Transportation

33) Prathna Ramesh

  • Fund: Maple Leaf Angels
  • Title: Chief Compliance Officer
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Clean Tech, Manufacturing, Chemicals, Enterprise, Other Tech

34) Raj Venkataraman

  • Fund: Greyhill Capital Partners
  • Title: Managing Partner & CEO
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, Robotics, Quantum Computing, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services, Enterprise, Internet of Things, Insurtech, Fintech, Clean Tech, Cloud, Other

35) Rutendo Ruzvidzo

  • Fund: ArcTern Ventures
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Series A
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, Clean Tech

36) Sara Defina

37) SImon Sokol

  • Fund: Relay Ventures
  • Title: Vice President
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Transportation, Travel

38) Snita Balsara

  • Fund: Graphite Ventures
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: AI, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Fintech, Internet of Things, Logistics, Enterprise

39) Yohann John

  • Fund: Antler
  • Title: Investment Associate
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Media, Chemicals, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel, Other

If you want to get your startup off the ground, Toronto is a great place to do it. With a burgeoning startup scene and plenty of investors looking for new opportunities, there are many resources available to help you get started. Use this list as a starting point to find the right investors to help you grow your business.