261 Cosmetics Investors

If you are looking for investors to help your startup grow, this list is a great starting point. Each of these investors has a history of investing in startups and can provide valuable advice and resources as your business grows.

1) Abhinaya Konduru

  • Fund: M25
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: Chicago, IL
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Insurtech, Legal, Logistics, Consumer, Other Tech, Food Services, Sales Tech, Travel

2) Ablorde Ashigbi

  • Fund: 4Degrees
  • Title: Founder / CEO
  • Location: Chicago, IL
  • Stages: Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Proptech, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

3) Adam Ned

  • Fund: LvlUp Ventures
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: Los Angeles, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation

4) Adithya Iyengar

  • Fund: The House Fund
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: Berkeley, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Cloud, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, DEI, Recruiting, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

5) Aditi Rajagopal

  • Fund: Invest Detroit Ventures
  • Title: Investment Associate
  • Location: Detroit, MI
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Travel, Transportation, Space, Social Impact, Sex, Sales Tech, Robotics, Food Services, Quantum Computing, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services, Parenting, Other Tech, Enterprise, Consumer, Media, Chemicals, Marketplaces, Manufacturing, Logistics, Legal, Internet of Things, Insurtech, DEI, Hospitality, Recruiting, Government Tech, eSports, Food and Beverage, Fintech, Entertainment, Electronics, EdTech, E-Commerce, Future of Work, Digital Health and Wellness, Developer Tools, Cybersecurity, Communications, Cloud, Fashion, Clean Tech, Internet of Things, Cosmetics, Art, AR/VR, AI, Agriculture Tech, Marketing

6) Akash Malhotra

  • Fund: The House Fund
  • Title: Partner
  • Location: Berkeley, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Media, Other, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Transportation, Travel

7) Alex Brussell

  • Fund: Collab Fund
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Hospitality, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Consumer, Proptech, Food Services, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Travel

8) Ali Jamal

  • Fund: First Check Ventures
  • Title: Founding Partner
  • Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Other, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

9) Alice Kim

  • Fund: PowerPlant Partners
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, Cosmetics, Cannabis, Fashion, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Food and Beverage, Consumer, Food Services, Social Impact

10) Alie Jurkowitz

  • Fund: Platinum Equity
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, Government Tech, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Professional or Technical Services, Food Services, Social Impact, Transportation

11) Aliya Friedman

  • Fund: Moonshots Capital
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: Austin, TX
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Fashion, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Food and Beverage, eSports, Marketplaces, Media, Food Services, Social Impact, Travel

12) Allison Lee

  • Fund: SWAT Equity Partners
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: New York,
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Art, Cosmetics, Fashion, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Food and Beverage, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Parenting, Sex, Social Impact

13) Amit Bhatti

  • Fund: 500 Startups
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Art, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Electronics, Fintech, eSports, Hospitality, Insurtech, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Space, Travel, Transportation

14) Amy Tan

  • Fund: Cue Ball Capital
  • Title: Investment Associate
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, Food and Beverage, DEI, Marketplaces, Food Services, Social Impact

15) Ana Carolina Scalercio

  • Fund: Watertower Ventures
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Los Angeles, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Travel

16) Andrea Kerwat

  • Fund: Molten Ventures
  • Title: Innovation Lead
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Marketplaces, Sales Tech, Space, Quantum Computing, Travel, Transportation

17) Angela Zhu

  • Fund: IVP
  • Title: Partner
  • Location: Menlo Park, CA
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, Hospitality, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Transportation, Travel

18) Ankur Ahuja

  • Fund: Varana Capital, LLC
  • Title: Chief Operating Officer
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AR/VR, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, E-Commerce, Fintech, Logistics, Internet of Things, Food and Beverage, Manufacturing, Other Tech, Consumer, Chemicals, Parenting, Travel, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Sales Tech, Insurtech, Developer Tools, Future of Work, Cloud, Cosmetics, AI

19) Anna Doherty

  • Fund: G9 Ventures
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Seed
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Consumer

20) Anna Mora

  • Fund: Entrepreneur First
  • Title: Fundraising Manager
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

21) Ariana Thacker

  • Fund: Conscience VC
  • Title: Founding Partner
  • Location: Miami, FL
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Fashion, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Food and Beverage, eSports, Internet of Things, Consumer, Robotics, Transportation

22) Arlene Paterson

  • Fund: Canadian Business Growth Fund (CBGF)
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Series B, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Insurtech, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel, Other

23) Arnav Gupta

  • Fund: Sweater
  • Title: VC Associate
  • Location: Boulder, CO
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B, Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Robotics, Sales Tech, Travel

24) Arno Niazi

  • Fund: GoingVC
  • Title: Co-Founder, CEO
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel, Other

25) Arpan Ajmera

  • Fund: VU Venture Partners
  • Title: Investment Associate
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Internet of Things, Cosmetics, Art, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Travel, Transportation, Space, Social Impact, Sales Tech, Robotics, Food Services, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services, Other Tech, Enterprise, Consumer, Media, Chemicals, Marketplaces, Manufacturing, Logistics, Legal, Internet of Things, Insurtech, DEI, Hospitality, Recruiting, Government Tech, eSports, Food and Beverage, Fintech, Entertainment, Electronics, EdTech, E-Commerce, Future of Work, Digital Health and Wellness, Developer Tools, Cybersecurity, Web3

26) Ashwin Puri

  • Fund: XRC Labs
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: Brooklyn, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AI, Art, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Fintech, Food and Beverage, Entertainment, Hospitality, DEI, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Food Services, Sex, Social Impact, Travel, Transportation

27) Ayanna Kerrison

  • Fund: Precursor Ventures
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, Cosmetics, Communications, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Food Services, Sales Tech, Sex, Transportation

28) Ayla Jeiroudi

  • Fund: XRC Labs
  • Title: Investment Associate
  • Location: Brooklyn, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AI, Web3, E-Commerce, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Fashion, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Fintech, Hospitality, Consumer, Sex, Sales Tech

29) Ayman Fadil

  • Fund: Talis Capital
  • Title: VC Investor
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Recruiting, DEI, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Professional or Technical Services, Quantum Computing, Sales Tech, Robotics

30) Ayushi Sinha

  • Fund: Prospect Student Ventures
  • Title: Co-Founder, Board Member
  • Location: Princeton, NJ
  • Stages: Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Space, Transportation

31) Ben Desmond

  • Fund: Invest Detroit Ventures
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: Detroit, MI
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cybersecurity, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Internet of Things, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Consumer, Other Tech, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Transportation, Travel

32) Ben Mathews

  • Fund: Night Ventures
  • Title: General Partner
  • Location: Austin, TX
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Cosmetics, Art, Cannabis, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Other, Travel, Transportation, Space, Social Impact, Sex, Sales Tech, Robotics, Food Services, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services

33) Brett Luing

  • Fund: Capital Innovators
  • Title: Program Director
  • Location: St. Louis, MO
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Sales Tech, Robotics, Food Services, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation

34) Brian Ames

  • Fund: Anthos Capital
  • Title: Managing Director
  • Location: Santa Monica, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Recruiting, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Marketplaces, Consumer, Enterprise, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Transportation

35) Brian Schwarzbach

  • Fund: Cathay Innovation
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Art, Cosmetics, Fashion, Communications, Web3, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Travel

36) Brian Yoon

  • Fund: Hum Capital
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, AI, Clean Tech, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Electronics, Fintech, eSports, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Marketplaces, Robotics, Fashion, Manufacturing, Transportation, Internet of Things, Agriculture Tech, Cosmetics, Future of Work, EdTech, Food and Beverage

37) Caela Tanjangco

  • Fund: Endeavor Catalyst
  • Title: Senior Manager
  • Location: Singapore, Singapore
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Manufacturing, Logistics, Legal, Internet of Things, Insurtech, DEI, Hospitality, Recruiting, Government Tech, eSports, Food and Beverage, Fintech, Entertainment, Electronics, EdTech, E-Commerce, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel, Other

38) Camila Zattar

  • Fund: Founders Factory
  • Title: Venture Portfolio Associate
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, eSports, DEI, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Social Impact

39) Catharine Dockery

  • Fund: Vice Ventures
  • Title: Founding Partner
  • Location: Brooklyn, NY
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Cannabis, Fashion, E-Commerce, eSports, Consumer, Other Tech, Sex

40) Charlie Hanna

  • Fund: Marcy Venture Partners
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Hospitality, Internet of Things, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Food Services, Sex, Social Impact, Transportation, Travel

41) Chiyoung Kim

  • Fund: Playground Labs
  • Title: Head Of Partnerships
  • Location: Cambridge, MA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact

42) Chloe Breider

  • Fund: Phoenix Fund
  • Title: Founder & Managing Partner
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Space, Transportation, Travel

43) Chloe Tan

  • Fund: Hustle Fund
  • Title: Portfolio Associate
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Art, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Communications, Web3, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, AI, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Space, Transportation, Travel

44) Christine Wang

  • Fund: Fidelity Investments
  • Title: Director – Devonshire Investors
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Series B, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Food and Beverage, eSports, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Food Services, Sex

45) Chunchun Yao

  • Fund: Beiersdorf
  • Title: Venture Capital Investment Manager
  • Location: Berlin, Germany
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Cannabis, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Food and Beverage, eSports, Hospitality, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Food Services, Sex, Social Impact, Travel

46) Claire Biernacki

  • Fund: BBG Ventures
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Fashion, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Sex, Social Impact

47) Clay Norris

  • Fund: Confluence.VC
  • Title: Co-Founder
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, AI, Cosmetics, Cloud, Communications, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, Recruiting, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Proptech

48) Cole Mora

  • Fund: Galaxy Interactive
  • Title: Investor and Chief of Staff
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, DEI, Recruiting, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Media, Professional or Technical Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Transportation

49) Corbin Wright

  • Fund: Equilibra
  • Title: Investment Professional
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, Art, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Fashion, Communications, Web3, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Insurtech, Consumer, Sex, Social Impact, Food Services, AI, Marketplaces, Media, Travel

50) Cristina Georgoulakis

  • Fund: Seven Seven Six
  • Title: Founder Outcomes Partner
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, DEI, Insurtech, Marketplaces, Media, Other, Consumer, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

51) Daniel Fryer

  • Fund: Fryer Group Ltd.
  • Title: Director
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, AI, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Internet of Things, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Travel

52) Danny Hyon

  • Fund: Wunderkind
  • Title: Director and Head of Wunderkind Ventures
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Cannabis, Fashion, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Electronics, Entertainment, Food and Beverage, Hospitality, Consumer, Social Impact, Travel

53) Danny Qiao

  • Fund: Sweater
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Boulder, CO
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Cosmetics, Art, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Hospitality, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Food Services, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Travel, Clean Tech

54) David Houghton

  • Fund: Houghton Street Ventures
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Art, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

55) David Tswamuno

  • Fund: Fairbridge Park
  • Title: Managing Partner
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Seed
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Fashion, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Fintech, Food and Beverage, Marketplaces, Consumer, Professional or Technical Services, Social Impact

56) David Zager

  • Fund: Pioneer Square Labs
  • Title: Partner & Chief Design Officer
  • Location: Seattle, WA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Travel, Other

57) Dela Adedze

  • Fund: MaC Venture Capital
  • Title: Analyst
  • Location: Los Angeles, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Pre-Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Web3, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Future of Work, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Legal, Internet of Things, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Space, Travel

58) Delsa Castillo

  • Fund: Silicon Valley Bank
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: Santa Clara, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cloud, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Legal, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

59) Denise Wong

  • Fund: fail ventures
  • Title: Co-founder
  • Location: Hong Kong, China
  • Stages: Seed, Pre-Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Other, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Fashion, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Web3, Future of Work, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, DEI, Logistics, Legal, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Food Services, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Sex, Space, Transportation, Travel

60) Dmitry Levit

  • Fund: Cento Ventures
  • Title: General Partner
  • Location: Singapore, Singapore
  • Stages: Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Fashion, Communications, Cybersecurity, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Digital Health and Wellness, Fintech, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, DEI, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Social Impact, Transportation, Travel, Food Services, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services

61) Dozie Ibekwe

  • Fund: Madison Dearborn Partners, LLC
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: Chicago, IL
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

62) Eddie Lee

  • Fund: White Star Capital
  • Title: Partner
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, DEI, Recruiting, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces

63) Eliza Becker

  • Fund: VMG Partners
  • Title: Vice President
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Art, Cosmetics, Cannabis, Fashion, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Food and Beverage, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Consumer, Parenting, Food Services, Sex

64) Elizabeth Valiaveedan

  • Fund: Rosecliff
  • Title: Investment Analyst
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Hospitality, Recruiting, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Logistics, Legal, DEI, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel, Other, Sex, Government Tech

65) Emily Tran

  • Fund: Alpine Investors
  • Title: Investment Professional
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Food and Beverage, eSports, DEI, Recruiting, Media, Consumer, Other Tech, Proptech, Food Services, Robotics, Sex, Space, Transportation, Travel

66) Eric Shu

  • Fund: Access Venture Partners
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Fashion, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Media, Consumer

67) Erick Guajardo

  • Fund: Satya Capital LLC
  • Title: Analyst
  • Location: Los Angeles, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Art, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, EdTech, Marketplaces, Media, Social Impact

68) Erik de Stefanis

  • Fund: Interlace Ventures
  • Title: Partner
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Agriculture Tech, Cosmetics, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Communications, Developer Tools, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Fintech, Food and Beverage, Insurtech, Marketplaces, Consumer, Parenting, Food Services, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact

69) Errol Clarke

  • Fund: H.I.G. Capital
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Miami, FL
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cloud, Cybersecurity, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, eSports, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Marketplaces, Proptech, Food Services, Sales Tech, Space, Transportation, Travel

70) Eshawn Pascal

  • Fund: Savano Capital Partners
  • Title: Investment Associate
  • Location: Baltimore, MD
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Travel, Transportation, Space, Social Impact, Sex, Sales Tech, Robotics, Food Services, Quantum Computing, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services, Parenting, Other Tech, Enterprise, Consumer, Media, Chemicals, Marketplaces, Web3, Cannabis, Other

71) Eugene Yi

  • Fund: Mucker Capital
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Santa Monica, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Fashion, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Food and Beverage, Consumer, Food Services

72) F. Javier Perez

  • Fund: Skyview Investment Advisors
  • Title: Director
  • Location: Orlando, FL
  • Stages: Series A, Series B, Seed
  • Sectors: Web3, Cannabis, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Digital Health and Wellness, Agriculture Tech, Fintech, Parenting

73) Faizal Javer

  • Fund: Greyhill Venture Partners
  • Title: Managing Partner
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Travel, Transportation, Space, Social Impact, Sex, Sales Tech, Robotics, Food Services, Other, Quantum Computing, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services, Parenting, Other Tech, Enterprise, Consumer, Media

74) Francesco Corea

  • Fund: Balderton Capital
  • Title: Research Data Lead
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, eSports, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Other Tech, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Transportation

75) Fredel Romano

  • Fund: Live Nation Entertainment
  • Title: Investor, New Ventures
  • Location: Santa Monica, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, Cosmetics, Digital Health and Wellness, Food and Beverage, Hospitality, Food Services

76) Georges Durot

  • Fund: FOD Capital
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: Chicago, IL
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Internet of Things, E-Commerce, Fintech, Hospitality, Other, Consumer, Enterprise, Food Services

77) Guerin Schwarberg

  • Fund: 645 Ventures
  • Title: Vice President
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Cosmetics, Cybersecurity, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, Fintech, DEI, Internet of Things, Marketplaces, Social Impact, Transportation

78) Guilherme Cella

  • Title: Partner
  • Location: Sรฃo Paulo, Brazil
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Web3, Developer Tools, Future of Work, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Proptech, Social Impact

79) Hal Callais

  • Fund: Callais Capital Management
  • Title: Managing Partner / Chief Investment Officer
  • Location: New Orleans, LA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Web3, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Manufacturing, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Space, Transportation, Travel

80) Harrison Horn

  • Fund: Bracket Capital
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: Los Angeles, CA
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

81) Harry McLaverty

  • Fund: Simplify
  • Title: Founder & General Partner
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AR/VR, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Communications, Cloud, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel, Other

82) Harry Morris

  • Fund: Alpha Edison
  • Title: Investment Analyst
  • Location: Los Angeles, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Fintech, eSports, Recruiting, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Robotics

83) Harry Williams

  • Fund: Highland Europe
  • Title: Investment Associate
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Future of Work, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Space, Travel, Transportation, Other

84) Heather Buffo

  • Fund: Republic
  • Title: Senior Manager, Venture Growth & Partnerships
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Communications, Cloud, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel, Other

85) Helene Servillon

  • Fund: JourneyOne Ventures
  • Title: Founding Partner
  • Location: Los Angeles, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, Cosmetics, Cannabis, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Food and Beverage, Marketplaces, Sex

86) Henry Berry

  • Fund: UNiDAYS
  • Title: Growth Team
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, Marketing, AI, Clean Tech, Cosmetics, Web3, Digital Health and Wellness, EdTech, Food and Beverage, Recruiting, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Consumer, Other Tech

87) Hylton Irons

  • Fund: Listen Ventures
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Chicago, IL
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Art, Cannabis, Fashion, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Internet of Things, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Food Services, Sex

88) Ian Bambrick

  • Fund: Fourth Ridge
  • Title: Investment Professional
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Communications, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Sales Tech

89) Ileana Gonzalez

  • Fund: Techstars
  • Title: Venture Associate
  • Location: Austin, TX
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Government Tech, eSports, Recruiting, Hospitality, EdTech, E-Commerce, Cybersecurity, Web3, Digital Health and Wellness, Developer Tools, Future of Work, Fintech, Entertainment, Electronics, Food and Beverage, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Sales Tech, Robotics, Proptech, Space, Social Impact

90) Ivo Gasulla

  • Fund: Keanest Ventures
  • Title: Managing Partner
  • Location: Barcelona, Spain
  • Stages: Seed
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Fashion, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, Hospitality, Marketplaces, Media, Food Services, Social Impact

91) J. Skyler Fernandes

  • Fund: VU Venture Partners
  • Title: Founder & General Partner
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

92) Jai Malik

  • Fund: Rocana Venture Partners
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Columbia, MO
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Digital Health and Wellness, Food and Beverage

93) Jaisa Minor

  • Fund: New Voices Fund
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Consumer

94) Jak Lewis

  • Fund: The Craftory
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Fashion, Consumer

95) Jake Casas

  • Fund: Silicon Beach Investment Group
  • Title: Co founder & Investor
  • Location: Los Angeles, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Other, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

96) James Massaquoi

  • Fund: Osage Venture Partners
  • Title: Analyst
  • Location: Philadelphia, PA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, Travel, Transportation, Space, Social Impact, Sales Tech, Robotics, Food Services, Quantum Computing, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services, Enterprise, Consumer, Media, Chemicals, Marketplaces, Manufacturing, Logistics, Legal, Internet of Things, Insurtech, DEI, Hospitality, Recruiting, Government Tech, Food and Beverage, Fintech, Entertainment, Electronics, EdTech, E-Commerce, Future of Work, Digital Health and Wellness, Developer Tools, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Clean Tech, Internet of Things, Cosmetics, Art, AR/VR, AI, Agriculture Tech

97) James Pardee

  • Fund: 137 Ventures
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

98) Jane Chen

  • Fund: Family Office
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Developer Tools, Cybersecurity, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, Insurtech, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Enterprise, Consumer, Media, Parenting, Food Services, Sales Tech, Transportation

99) Jane Lippencott

  • Fund: Andreessen Horowitz
  • Title: Partner
  • Location: Menlo Park, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Cosmetics, Fashion, Communications, Web3, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, DEI, Recruiting, Insurtech, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Food Services, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact

100) Janet DeFrino

  • Fund: 1843 Capital
  • Title: Partner
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation

101) Jaroslav Trojan

  • Fund: Nation 1
  • Title: Managing Partner
  • Location: Prague, Czechia
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Manufacturing, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel, Other

102) Jay Drain Jr.

  • Fund: Andreessen Horowitz
  • Title: Partner, Crypto
  • Location: Menlo Park, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, AI, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Fashion, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer

103) Jelena Zec

  • Fund: Citi
  • Title: Principal, Venture Investing at Citi Ventures
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Internet of Things, E-Commerce, Food and Beverage, Chemicals

104) Jerrod Hill

  • Fund: Audible
  • Title: Venture Principal
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Social Impact, Space

105) Jess Liu-Brown

  • Fund: Alumni Ventures
  • Title: Senior Principal
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Seed, Pre-Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Transportation, Space, Social Impact, Robotics, Quantum Computing, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services, Other Tech, Enterprise, Consumer, Marketplaces, Manufacturing, Logistics, Internet of Things, Fintech, AR/VR, AI, Agriculture Tech, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Cloud, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Digital Health and Wellness

106) Jiarui Wang

  • Fund: DCM Ventures
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Menlo Park, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, AI, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Logistics, Marketplaces, Manufacturing, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Transportation, Space, Travel, Other

107) Jigar Majmundar

  • Fund: PowerPlant Ventures
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, E-Commerce, Food and Beverage

108) JJ Kasper

  • Fund: Blue Collective
  • Title: Founder and Partner
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Travel, Transportation, Space, Social Impact, Sales Tech, Sex

109) John Alar

  • Fund: New Republic Partners
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: Charlotte, NC
  • Stages: Series B, Series A, Seed, Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: Other, Travel, Transportation, Space, Sales Tech, Food Services, Quantum Computing, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services, Parenting, Other Tech, Enterprise, Consumer, Chemicals, Marketplaces, Logistics, Internet of Things, Insurtech, DEI, Hospitality, Recruiting, eSports, Food and Beverage, Fintech, Electronics, EdTech, E-Commerce, Future of Work, Digital Health and Wellness, Developer Tools, Cybersecurity, Web3, Communications, Cloud, Clean Tech, Internet of Things, Cosmetics, Art, AI, Agriculture Tech, Marketing

110) John Diorio

  • Fund: Stripes
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Cosmetics, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, Food and Beverage, DEI, Recruiting, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Proptech, Food Services, Sales Tech, Sex, Travel

111) John Zamora

  • Fund: Silicon Foundry
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Fashion, Web3, Cybersecurity, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Logistics, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Travel

112) Jonathan Ellis

  • Fund: Sandalphon Capital
  • Title: Founder & General Partner
  • Location: Chicago, IL
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Transportation, Travel

113) Jonathan Jou

  • Fund: Passport Capital
  • Title: Analyst
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Cannabis, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Other, Consumer, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Space, Transportation, Travel

114) Jonathan Moore

  • Fund: TCG
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Los Angeles, CA
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: Art, Cosmetics, Fashion, Web3, Cybersecurity, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, DEI, Internet of Things, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Sex, Social Impact

115) Jonathan Sun

  • Fund: Horizan VC
  • Title: General Partner
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: Other, Travel, Transportation, Space, Social Impact, Sex, Sales Tech, Robotics, Food Services, Quantum Computing, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services, Parenting, Other Tech, Enterprise, Consumer, Media, Chemicals, Marketplaces, Manufacturing, Logistics, Legal, Internet of Things, Insurtech, DEI, Hospitality, Recruiting, Government Tech, eSports, Food and Beverage, Fintech, Entertainment, Electronics, EdTech, E-Commerce, Future of Work, Digital Health and Wellness, Developer Tools, Cybersecurity, Web3, Cloud, Communications, Fashion, Clean Tech, Cannabis, Internet of Things, Art, Cosmetics, AR/VR, AI, Agriculture Tech, Marketing

116) Jordan Weiss

  • Fund: Plus Capital
  • Title: Head of Platform
  • Location: Los Angeles, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Pre-Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Web3, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Parenting, Other Tech, Enterprise, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services, Food Services, Sex, Social Impact, Sales Tech, Travel

117) Joshua Berns

  • Fund: Blue Collective
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation

118) Joshua Schlisserman

  • Fund: Series
  • Title: Chief Of Staff
  • Location: Santa Monica, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation

119) Jourdain Bell

  • Fund: Alumni Ventures
  • Title: Sr. Community Manager
  • Location: Menlo Park, CA
  • Stages: Series B, Series A, Seed, Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Cannabis, Internet of Things, Cosmetics, Art, Communications, Cloud, Fashion, Clean Tech, Digital Health and Wellness, Developer Tools, Cybersecurity, Web3, Hospitality, Recruiting, Government Tech, eSports, Food and Beverage, Fintech, Entertainment, Electronics, EdTech, E-Commerce, Future of Work, Other Tech, Enterprise, Consumer, Media, Chemicals, Marketplaces, Manufacturing, Logistics, Legal, Internet of Things, Insurtech, DEI, Other, Travel, Transportation, Space, Social Impact, Sex, Sales Tech, Robotics, Food Services, Quantum Computing, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services, Parenting

120) Juan Diego Garcia

  • Fund: Outbound Ventures
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: AI, Cosmetics, Fashion, Communications, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, Consumer, Marketplaces, Sex

121) Julia Ruge

  • Fund: Sandalphon Capital
  • Title: Venture Partner
  • Location: Chicago, IL
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Fashion, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Proptech, Food Services, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Travel

122) Julia Sublett

  • Fund: The Maze Group
  • Title: Partner & Head of Investments
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Cosmetics, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Fintech, Enterprise, Other Tech

123) Juliette Richert

  • Fund: The Artemis Fund
  • Title: Senior Analyst
  • Location: Houston, TX
  • Stages: Seed
  • Sectors: AI, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, Food and Beverage, DEI, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Parenting, Sex, Social Impact, Transportation

124) Julius Maina

  • Fund: gener8tor
  • Title: Chief of Staff
  • Location: Baltimore, MD
  • Stages: Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: Social Impact, Sales Tech, Food Services, Other Tech, Enterprise, Internet of Things, DEI, Food and Beverage, Fintech, Entertainment, EdTech, Electronics, E-Commerce, Digital Health and Wellness, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Marketing, Marketplaces

125) Justin Dawkins

  • Fund: Collab Capital
  • Title: Managing Partner
  • Location: Atlanta, GA
  • Stages: Seed
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Cloud, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Enterprise, Other Tech, Social Impact

126) Ka Wai Ho

  • Fund: Alive Ventures
  • Title: Venture Partner
  • Location: Los Angeles, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Art, Cosmetics, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Legal, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Other Tech, Parenting, Proptech, Sex, Social Impact, Transportation, Travel, Other

127) Kanak Nagee

  • Fund: Kitchen Fund
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, Cosmetics, Cannabis, Fashion, E-Commerce, Food and Beverage, Marketplaces, Consumer, Food Services

128) Karolina Mrozkova

  • Fund: White Star Capital
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Consumer, Enterprise, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Transportation, Travel

129) Karthik Sagar

  • Fund: Chamaeleon
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, Marketing, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, Food and Beverage, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

130) Kate Armstrong

  • Fund: Cobalt Capital
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Santa Monica, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Food Services, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Travel

131) Kate Seledets

  • Fund: OneValley Ventures
  • Title: Investment Team
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation

132) Kathan Mally

  • Fund: Velvet Lane Ventures
  • Title: Partner
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Cannabis, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Food and Beverage, eSports, Media, Food Services

133) Kayla Phillips

  • Fund: Basecamp Fund
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Other, Travel, Transportation, Social Impact, Sex, Sales Tech, Food Services, Proptech, Parenting, Other Tech, Enterprise, Consumer, Media, Marketplaces, Logistics, Legal, Internet of Things, Insurtech, DEI, Hospitality, Recruiting, eSports, Food and Beverage, Fintech, Entertainment, EdTech, E-Commerce, Future of Work, Digital Health and Wellness, Developer Tools, Web3, Communications, Fashion, Cannabis, Cosmetics, Art, AR/VR, AI, Agriculture Tech, Marketing

134) Keith Bender

  • Fund: Pear VC
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: Menlo Park, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Other, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

135) Kelvin Yu

  • Fund: Prospect Student Ventures
  • Title: Co-Founder
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Space, Transportation

136) Kevin Noh

  • Fund: Hyper
  • Title: Chief of Staff
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Enterprise, Other Tech, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Space, Transportation, Travel

137) Kevin Ye

  • Fund: Mach49
  • Title: Partner, Corporate Investing
  • Location: Redwood City, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cybersecurity, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Future of Work, Fintech, Hospitality, Legal, Internet of Things, Manufacturing, Logistics, Consumer, Enterprise, Professional or Technical Services, Robotics, Proptech, Transportation, Travel

138) Kira Wallette

  • Fund: Labora Group
  • Title: VP of Investments
  • Location: Dallas, TX
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Parenting, Proptech, Food Services, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Transportation

139) KJ Sidberry

  • Fund: Forerunner
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Art, Cosmetics, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Sex, Travel

140) Krzysztof Przybylak

  • Fund: Inovo Venture Partners
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: AI, AR/VR, Agriculture Tech, Marketing, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Fintech, Food and Beverage, DEI, Insurtech, Logistics, Marketplaces, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Sales Tech, Travel

141) Landen Enns

  • Fund: VMG Partners
  • Title: Venture Capital Investor
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Art, Cosmetics, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Logistics, Marketplaces, Consumer, Enterprise

142) Laura Chau

  • Fund: Canaan Partners
  • Title: General Partner
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, Art, Cosmetics, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, DEI, Recruiting, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Transportation, Travel

143) Lauren Kang

  • Fund: The Fund
  • Title: Venture Associate
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Transportation, Travel

144) Lauren Usher

  • Fund: gener8tor
  • Title: VP of gBETA
  • Location: Madison, WI
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, Other, Travel, Transportation, Space, Social Impact, Sex, Sales Tech, Robotics, Food Services, Quantum Computing, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services, Parenting, Other Tech, Enterprise, Consumer, Media, Chemicals, Marketplaces, Manufacturing, Logistics, Legal, Internet of Things, Insurtech, DEI, Hospitality, Recruiting, Government Tech, eSports

145) Lauren Wisniewski

  • Fund: New Incubation Ventures
  • Title: Manager, New Incubation Ventures
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Cosmetics

146) Linda Janes

  • Fund: gener8tor
  • Title: Director, gBETA Anchorage Startup Accelerator
  • Location: Madison, WI
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Future of Work, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

147) Logan Ashcraft

  • Fund: Standard Investments
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, Marketing, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Logistics, Consumer, Parenting, Robotics, Social Impact

148) Louise Harvey

  • Fund: Seedrs
  • Title: Manager – Institutional Investor Team
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation

149) Lucy Pless

  • Fund: Bessemer Venture Partners
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Seed, Series B, Series A
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, Marketing, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Internet of Things, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Recruiting, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Sex, Space, Transportation, Travel, Other

150) Luke Sandler

  • Fund: Critical Reactions
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, AI, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Logistics, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Consumer, Media, Enterprise, Other Tech, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Transportation, Travel, Other

151) Lulu Zhang

  • Fund: HSBC
  • Title: Head of Investments, APAC
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, AI, Cosmetics, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Recruiting, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Sales Tech, Sex, Transportation

152) Madeline Walsh

  • Fund: Anthos Capital
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Santa Monica, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Art, Cosmetics, Cannabis, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Internet of Things, Logistics, Marketplaces, Food Services, Sex

153) Madison Crema

  • Fund: Endicott Group
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, Food and Beverage, Hospitality, Insurtech, Marketplaces, Consumer, Other Tech, Social Impact

154) Manav Narang

  • Fund: Plug and Play Tech Center
  • Title: Director | Financial Services & Healthcare Lead
  • Location: Sunnyvale, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel, Other

155) Maria Gilfoyle

  • Fund: Madrona Venture Group
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Seattle, WA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, Government Tech, Recruiting, Insurtech, Logistics, Legal, Marketplaces, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Social Impact

156) Maria Pope

  • Fund: Republic
  • Title: Venture Programs & Community Manager
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Other, Travel, Transportation, Space, Social Impact, Sex, Sales Tech, Robotics, Food Services, Quantum Computing, Professional or Technical Services, Parenting, Proptech, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Cybersecurity, Web3, Communications, Cloud, Fashion, Clean Tech, Cannabis, Internet of Things, Cosmetics, Art, AR/VR, AI, Agriculture Tech, Marketing

157) Marielle Alexander

  • Fund: 1843 Capital
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Internet of Things, Fintech, E-Commerce, Digital Health and Wellness, Cybersecurity, Web3, Agriculture Tech, Cosmetics, Communications, Insurtech

158) Marina Girgis

  • Fund: Precursor Ventures
  • Title: Investment Analyst
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: AI, Cloud, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Cosmetics, Fashion, Clean Tech, AR/VR, Art, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, eSports, DEI, Internet of Things, Logistics, Manufacturing, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech

159) Mario Padilla

  • Fund: Fellow Funders
  • Title: Investor Relations & Project Manager
  • Location: Madrid, Spain
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Web3, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, eSports, Food and Beverage, Entertainment, Marketplaces, Other Tech, Social Impact

160) Mark Landay

  • Fund: Dynamic Synergy Corporation
  • Title: Managing Director
  • Location: Santa Monica, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Cannabis, Cloud, Cybersecurity, E-Commerce, Recruiting, Fintech, Proptech, Robotics, Sales Tech

161) Marta Saxena

  • Fund: Valo Ventures
  • Title: Finance
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B, Seed
  • Sectors: Clean Tech, Cloud, Fashion, Internet of Things, Cosmetics, Art, AR/VR, AI, Agriculture Tech, Digital Health and Wellness, Cybersecurity, EdTech, Fintech, Food and Beverage, Insurtech, eSports, Parenting, Travel, Sales Tech, Robotics, Quantum Computing, Future of Work

162) Matthew Lu

  • Fund: Bullpen Capital
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Menlo Park, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Cannabis, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, DEI, Recruiting, Marketplaces, Enterprise, Proptech, Food Services, Sales Tech

163) Max Luo

  • Fund: ACME Capital
  • Title: VC
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Cosmetics, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, eSports, Internet of Things, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Other Tech, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Space, Transportation

164) Max Zamkow

  • Fund: Third Act Ventures
  • Title: Managing Partner
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, AI, Cosmetics, Fashion, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Food and Beverage, Internet of Things, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Consumer, Professional or Technical Services, Sales Tech

165) Meagan Loyst

  • Fund: Lerer Hippeau
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Proptech, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

166) Meera Oak

  • Fund: Basecamp Fund (Seed Fund)
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Proptech, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel, Professional or Technical Services, Enterprise, Chemicals, Parenting, Consumer, Other Tech

167) Megan Ananian

  • Fund: The Helm
  • Title: Advisor
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation

168) Melissa Demma

  • Fund: Differential Ventures
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cybersecurity, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, eSports, Internet of Things, Marketplaces, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Sex, Travel

169) Mendy Yang

  • Fund: Lerer Hippeau
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Logistics, Legal, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel, Other

170) Michael Chen

  • Fund: Tribe Capital
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Web3, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Fintech, Entertainment, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Consumer, Media, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Food Services, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Transportation, Travel, Other

171) Michael Cohn

  • Fund: Overline
  • Title: Managing Partner
  • Location: Atlanta, GA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

172) Michael Edmonson

  • Fund: Radian Capital
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Enterprise, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services, Cybersecurity, Web3, Cannabis, Art, Cosmetics, Marketing, Other Tech, Parenting, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

173) Michael Gianelli

  • Fund: Intuition Capital
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Fashion, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Food and Beverage, Food Services

174) Michael Nogen

  • Fund: Overton Venture Capital
  • Title: Managing Partner
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Food and Beverage, eSports, Marketplaces, Consumer, Parenting, Proptech

175) Mijin Han

  • Fund: Mundi Ventures
  • Title: Investment Associate
  • Location: Madrid, Spain
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Fashion, E-Commerce, Proptech

176) Miki Reynolds

  • Fund: Republic
  • Title: Venture Partner
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, AI, Cosmetics, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, DEI, Hospitality, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Food Services, Sex, Social Impact, Transportation, Travel

177) Miles Bird

  • Fund: T-Bird Capital
  • Title: Advisor
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Other, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

178) Molly Fowler

  • Fund: Dorm Room Fund
  • Title: Founding GP
  • Location: Cambridge, MA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation

179) Monique Villa

  • Fund: LaunchTN
  • Title: Chief Investment Officer
  • Location: Nashville, TN
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, AI, Cosmetics, Communications, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Proptech

180) Myriam Senhi

  • Fund: Investissement Quebec
  • Title: Senior Analyst
  • Location: Montreal, Canada
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

181) Natalie Curnes

  • Fund: TCV
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Menlo Park, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Food and Beverage, Consumer

182) Nevil Kathiria

  • Fund: Trifecta Capital
  • Title: Investment Professional
  • Location: Bangalore, India
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, AI, Agriculture Tech, Marketing, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Future of Work, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Internet of Things, Logistics, Insurtech, Recruiting, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Food Services, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Space, Transportation

183) Nicholas Lagnese

  • Fund: Newchip Accelerator
  • Title: Venture Analyst
  • Location: Austin, TX
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Other, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Consumer, Media, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

184) Nicole Friedman

  • Fund: Blue Collective
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

185) Nikita Satish

  • Fund: blisce
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Paris, France
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: Art, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Internet of Things, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Other Tech, Food Services, Social Impact, Travel

186) Nikki Johnson

  • Fund: gener8tor
  • Title: Director Bronze Valley Accelerator
  • Location: Madison, WI
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cybersecurity, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, EdTech, Fintech, Insurtech, DEI, Recruiting, Logistics, Manufacturing, Chemicals, Other Tech, Social Impact

187) Nina Vendhan

  • Fund: Studio Management
  • Title: Analyst
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Art, Cosmetics, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, EdTech, Entertainment, Marketplaces, Media, Other Tech, Parenting, Quantum Computing, Social Impact

188) Olivia Dell

  • Fund: Falkon Ventures
  • Title: Investment Associate
  • Location: Austin, TX
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Travel, Transportation, Space, Social Impact, Sex, Sales Tech, Robotics, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Consumer, Chemicals, Media, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Logistics, Internet of Things, Legal, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, Government Tech, Hospitality, DEI, Recruiting, eSports, Food and Beverage, Entertainment, Electronics, Insurtech, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Cannabis

189) Olivia Kim

  • Fund: GingerBread Capital
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: San Mateo, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, E-Commerce, EdTech, Food and Beverage, Consumer, Parenting, Social Impact

190) Omer Cygler

  • Fund: Lion Investment Partners
  • Title: Managing Partner
  • Location: Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, DEI, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Sales Tech, Sex, Transportation, Travel, Other

191) Patrick Bailey

  • Fund: 412 Venture Fund LP
  • Title: Director of Platform
  • Location: Cincinnati, OH
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel, Other

192) Patrick Ward

  • Fund: Western Technology Investment
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, eSports, Fintech, Proptech, Logistics, EdTech, E-Commerce, Digital Health and Wellness, Web3, Fashion, Cosmetics, Travel, Other Tech, Marketplaces

193) Pedro Vieira

  • Fund: Rise Ventures
  • Title: Pipeline Associate
  • Location: Sรฃo Paulo, Brazil
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, Cosmetics, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, Food and Beverage, Hospitality, Logistics, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Consumer, Enterprise, Social Impact, Transportation

194) Peter Boyce II

  • Fund: Stellation Capital
  • Title: Founder
  • Location: Brooklyn, NY
  • Stages: Series A, Seed, Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Art, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Future of Work, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Travel

195) Peter Harris

  • Fund: University Growth Fund
  • Title: Partner
  • Location: Salt Lake City, UT
  • Stages: Series A, Series B, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Professional or Technical Services, Food Services, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Transportation, Travel, Other

196) Peter Mueller

  • Fund: SeaChange Fund
  • Title: Partner
  • Location: Seattle, WA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Travel

197) Phil Nadel

  • Fund: Forefront Venture Partners
  • Title: Founder and Managing Director
  • Location: Delray Beach, FL
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel, Other

198) Phil Quist

  • Fund: Connect Ventures
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Los Angeles, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Hospitality, Insurtech, Legal, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Other Tech, Sales Tech, Sex

199) Rachel Masterson

  • Fund: GoingVC
  • Title: Chief of Staff & Podcast Co-Host
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Web3, Fintech, Other Tech

200) Rachel Resek

  • Fund: Cargill
  • Title: Cargill Ventures
  • Location: Chicago, IL
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Food and Beverage

201) Rachel ten Brink

  • Fund: Red Bike Capital
  • Title: General Partner and Founder
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Cannabis, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Fintech, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Consumer, Sex

202) Rachel Wang

  • Fund: Avenue Growth Partners
  • Title: Vice President
  • Location: Washington, DC
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AR/VR, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel, Other

203) Rachel Yee

  • Fund: Polimorphic
  • Title: Head Of Operations
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel, Other

204) Rafael Tavarez

  • Fund: Watertower Ventures
  • Title: Investor – Platforms & Sourcing
  • Location: Los Angeles, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, AI, AR/VR, Fashion, Cosmetics, Art, Communications, Web3, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, Government Tech, Hospitality, Insurtech, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Proptech, Food Services, Sales Tech, Travel, Other

205) Rajeev Ranka

  • Fund: Incubate Fund
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: Bengaluru, India
  • Stages: Seed, Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Sales Tech, Food Services

206) Rakesh Nankani

  • Fund: University Growth Fund
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: Salt Lake City, UT
  • Stages: Series A, Series B, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, AI, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Communications, Developer Tools, E-Commerce, EdTech, Future of Work, Digital Health and Wellness, Electronics, Fintech, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Sales Tech, Transportation, Travel, Other Tech, Enterprise, Consumer, Media, Marketplaces

207) Ram Ben Ishay

  • Fund: J-Ventures
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

208) Raoul Fiano

  • Fund: DN Capital
  • Title: Venture Capital Investor
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Series A, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, AI, Cosmetics, Art, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Future of Work, EdTech, Developer Tools, Cybersecurity, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, Recruiting, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Enterprise, Consumer, Other Tech, Food Services, Sales Tech, Transportation, Travel

209) Raphy del Callar

  • Fund: SofCap Partners
  • Title: Private Equity Analyst
  • Location: NCR, Philippines
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Chemicals, Social Impact, Transportation

210) Richard Lin

  • Fund: Smash Capital
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Communications, Web3, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Marketplaces, Consumer, Food Services, Sex, Travel, Transportation

211) Rima Reddy

  • Fund: Commerce Ventures
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Fashion, Communications, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

212) Robert Harary

  • Fund: Evolution VC Partners
  • Title: Investment Associate
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Art, Cosmetics, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Hospitality, Internet of Things, Logistics, Marketplaces, Consumer, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Food Services, Robotics, Sex, Space, Transportation

213) Rohan Arora

  • Fund: H.I.G. Capital
  • Title: Vice President
  • Location: Miami, FL
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Food and Beverage, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Professional or Technical Services, Sales Tech

214) Ronald Glenn

  • Fund: Williamsburg Venture Holdings LLC
  • Title: Managing Member
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Fashion, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Media

215) Rooshil Shah

  • Fund: Redesign Health
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Consumer, Food and Beverage, E-Commerce

216) Sam Cavender

  • Fund: M25
  • Title: Analyst
  • Location: Chicago, IL
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel, Other

217) Sarah Du

  • Fund: Bessemer Venture Partners
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Recruiting, Government Tech, DEI, Insurtech, Marketplaces, Consumer, Enterprise, Parenting, Sex

218) Sarah Foley

  • Fund: SWAT Equity Partners
  • Title: Partner
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Art, Cosmetics, Fashion, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Food and Beverage, Hospitality, Marketplaces, Consumer, Food Services, Sex

219) Sarah Willson

  • Fund: Panache Ventures
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Montreal, Canada
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

220) Sean Chung

  • Fund: Adonis
  • Title: Director of Operations
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

221) Shalva Gozland

  • Fund: Insight Partners
  • Title: Software Investor
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Series B, Series A, Seed, Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Other, Travel, Transportation, Space, Social Impact, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Food Services, Quantum Computing, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services, Parenting, Other Tech, Enterprise, Consumer, Media, Chemicals, Marketplaces, Manufacturing, Logistics, Internet of Things, Insurtech, Legal, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, Entertainment, Fintech, E-Commerce, Developer Tools, Web3, Fashion, Cannabis, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Communications, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Future of Work, Digital Health and Wellness, Electronics, EdTech, Food and Beverage, eSports, DEI

222) Shikhin Garg

  • Fund: Inventus Capital Partners
  • Title: Chief of Staff
  • Location: San Mateo, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, AI, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Fintech, eSports, Recruiting, Internet of Things, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Professional or Technical Services, Food Services, Sales Tech, Social Impact

223) Shondra Washington

  • Fund: TBC-Capital
  • Title: President & CoFounder
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Seed
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Fashion, E-Commerce, Consumer

224) Sibi Murugesan

  • Fund: Calm Company Fund
  • Title: Chief Of Staff
  • Location: Minneapolis, MN
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, AI, Cosmetics, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Space, Transportation

225) Simon Ducher

  • Fund: Quake Capital Partners
  • Title: Investor (LP)
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Proptech, Sales Tech, Travel

226) Spencer Calvert

  • Fund: Serent Capital
  • Title: Vice President
  • Location: Austin, TX
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Fashion, Cybersecurity, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Legal, Marketplaces

227) Stefan Sandoval Yepes

  • Fund: Bright Ventures
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Recruiting, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Travel

228) Stella Tran

  • Fund: Acumen
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, AI, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Communications, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, DEI, Hospitality, Internet of Things, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Proptech, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Travel

229) Stella Zhang

  • Fund: Conductive Ventures
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA
  • Stages: Series A, Seed, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Fintech, Recruiting, Internet of Things, Insurtech, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Enterprise, Robotics, Sales Tech, Transportation

230) Stephen Bernard

  • Fund: Alpha Partners
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Enterprise, Other Tech, Consumer, Quantum Computing, Sales Tech, Transportation, Travel

231) Suffiyan Malik

  • Fund: Draper University
  • Title: Head of Programs
  • Location: San Mateo, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Marketing, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Food and Beverage, Electronics, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Professional or Technical Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

232) Sumeet Shah

  • Fund: Swiftarc Ventures
  • Title: Venture Principal
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Consumer

233) Sutian Dong

  • Fund: Global Women in VC
  • Title: Co-Founder
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, DEI, Consumer, Other Tech, Parenting, Social Impact

234) Sydnie Keddington

  • Fund: Kickstart
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: Salt Lake City, UT
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Marketplaces, Media, Sales Tech

235) Tasha Kim

  • Fund: Primitives
  • Title: Operations & Growth
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Art, Cosmetics, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Media, Consumer, Food Services, Social Impact, Transportation, Travel

236) Taylor Hughes

  • Fund: Sydecar
  • Title: Operations Associate
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

237) Thomas Schmidle

  • Fund: Flash Ventures
  • Title: Pre-Seed Investor
  • Location: Berlin, Germany
  • Stages: Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Developer Tools, Cybersecurity, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, eSports, Fintech, Food and Beverage, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, Internet of Things, Insurtech, DEI, Legal, Travel, Social Impact, Sex, Sales Tech, Robotics, Food Services, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services, Parenting, Other Tech, Enterprise, Consumer, Media, Chemicals, Marketplaces, Logistics, Manufacturing

238) TianYu Wong

  • Fund: Atento Capital
  • Title: Senior Investment Associate
  • Location: Tulsa, OK
  • Stages: Seed, Pre-Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cosmetics, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

239) Tim Kwoko

  • Fund: Panache Ventures
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Montreal, Canada
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, AI, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Proptech, Robotics, Sales Tech

240) Timothy Li

  • Fund: SoftBank Ventures Asia
  • Title: VC Investor
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

241) Tomasz Golinski

  • Fund: CofounderZone
  • Title: Founder & General Partner
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel, Other

242) Tracy Chadwell

  • Fund: 1843 Capital
  • Title: Founding Partner
  • Location: Washington, DC
  • Stages: Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation

243) Tracy Deforge

  • Fund: The Players’ Impact
  • Title: Founder
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

244) Triet Nguyen

  • Fund: MicroVentures
  • Title: Venture Associate
  • Location: Austin, TX
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

245) Turner Novak

  • Fund: Banana Capital
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Ann Arbor, MI
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, Cosmetics, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Parenting, Proptech, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Transportation

246) Umar Brimah

  • Fund: Unknown Ventures
  • Title: Venture Partner
  • Location: Austin, TX
  • Stages: Seed, Pre-Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Cannabis, Fashion, Web3, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Cybersecurity, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Hospitality, Recruiting, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Other Tech, Enterprise, Robotics, Space, Transportation, Travel

247) Van Jones

  • Fund: Wellington Management
  • Title: Deal Lead, Diverse Founders Investing
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Cloud, Developer Tools, Insurtech, DEI, Sales Tech, Fintech

248) Vardan Gattani

  • Fund: 645 Ventures
  • Title: Vice President
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Cosmetics, Cybersecurity, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, Fintech, DEI, Internet of Things, Marketplaces, Social Impact, Transportation

249) Vijay Rajendran

  • Fund: 500 Startups
  • Title: Head of Portfolio Value
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Robotics, Sales Tech, Space, Transportation, Travel

250) Vinicius Donin

  • Fund: RD2 Ventures
  • Title: Co-Founder & Board Member
  • Location: Miami, FL
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Cannabis, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, Recruiting, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Travel

251) Will Dube

  • Fund: East Rock Capital, LLC
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

252) Will Finney

  • Fund: SeaChange Fund
  • Title: Co-Founder
  • Location: Seattle, WA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Chemicals, Other Tech, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Sales Tech, Space, Transportation

253) William Leonard

  • Fund: Valor Ventures
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Atlanta, GA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

254) Willis Wilson

  • Fund: ICA
  • Title: Director of Investment & Portfolio Management
  • Location: Oakland, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Cosmetics, Fashion, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Electronics, Food and Beverage, DEI, Social Impact

255) Ying Jie Tan

  • Fund: Vertex Growth
  • Title: Investment Director
  • Location: Singapore, Singapore
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Fashion, Communications, Cloud, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, EdTech, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Enterprise, Other Tech, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Sales Tech

256) Yingjie Wang

  • Fund: 500 Startups
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, Recruiting, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Transportation, Travel

257) Yohann John

  • Fund: Antler
  • Title: Investment Associate
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Media, Chemicals, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel, Other

258) Young Kyung Grace Lee

  • Fund: Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
  • Title: Investment Analyst
  • Location: Redwood City, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Space, Transportation

259) Zarek Meherally

  • Fund: AYANA Capital LLC
  • Title: General Partner
  • Location: Dallas, TX
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AR/VR, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Cannabis, Cosmetics, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Travel, Transportation, Space, Social Impact, Sex, Sales Tech, Robotics, Food Services, Quantum Computing, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services, Parenting, Logistics, Legal, Internet of Things, Insurtech, Hospitality, Recruiting, Government Tech, eSports, Food and Beverage, Fintech, Entertainment, EdTech, E-Commerce, Future of Work, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness

260) Zhao Ma

  • Fund: Invest Detroit Ventures
  • Title: Senior Analyst
  • Location: Detroit, MI
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Proptech, Robotics, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

261) ZiZi Zhang

  • Fund: Bow Capital
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Travel

The search for the right cosmetic investors can be daunting. Itโ€™s important to find the best investors who not only have the money to help your startup grow but also share in your vision and understand your business. Use this list to see if any might be a good fit to take your startup to the next level.