22 Communications Investors Based in London

Your odds of raising from local investors are better than trying to raise capital from outside your city. We put together this list to help London-based founders connect with communications-based investors that write checks into Communications companies. Here are 22 investors that match that criteria.

1) Andrea Kerwat

  • Fund: Molten Ventures
  • Title: Innovation Lead
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Marketplaces, Sales Tech, Space, Quantum Computing, Travel, Transportation

2) Andreea Ene

  • Fund: Virgin
  • Title: Investment Director
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Clean Tech, Communications, Web3, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Hospitality, Insurtech, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel, Other

3) Anna Mora

  • Fund: Entrepreneur First
  • Title: Fundraising Manager
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

4) Ayman Fadil

  • Fund: Talis Capital
  • Title: VC Investor
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Recruiting, DEI, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Professional or Technical Services, Quantum Computing, Sales Tech, Robotics

5) Cecilia Manduca

  • Fund: Talis Capital
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, Insurtech, Legal, Manufacturing, Consumer, Enterprise

6) Daniel Fryer

  • Fund: Fryer Group Ltd.
  • Title: Director
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, AI, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Internet of Things, Marketplaces, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Travel

7) David Houghton

  • Fund: Houghton Street Ventures
  • Title: Associate
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Art, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

8) Dele Akinyemi

  • Fund: MMC Ventures
  • Title: Venture Capital Investor
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Agriculture Tech, AI, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Government Tech, Recruiting, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Other, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Food Services, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Transportation, Travel

9) Eddie Lee

  • Fund: White Star Capital
  • Title: Partner
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, DEI, Recruiting, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces

10) Francesco Corea

  • Fund: Balderton Capital
  • Title: Research Data Lead
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cosmetics, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, eSports, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Other Tech, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Transportation

11) Harry McLaverty

  • Fund: Simplify
  • Title: Founder & General Partner
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AR/VR, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Communications, Cloud, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel, Other

12) Harry Williams

  • Fund: Highland Europe
  • Title: Investment Associate
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Future of Work, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, Recruiting, Hospitality, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Space, Travel, Transportation, Other

13) Iva Rakocevic

  • Fund: Kavedon Kapital
  • Title: Associate Partner
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Travel, Other, Transportation

14) Jason Triplitt

  • Fund: Fairbourne Capital
  • Title: Family Office CIO
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Cloud, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Fintech, Other Tech, Clean Tech, EdTech

15) Joanna Graiver

  • Fund: Fuel Ventures
  • Title: Investment Analyst
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Travel, Social Impact, Sex, Sales Tech, Food Services, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services, Parenting, Enterprise, Consumer, Media, Marketplaces, Logistics, Legal, Insurtech, DEI, Hospitality, Recruiting, Government Tech, eSports, Fintech, Entertainment, EdTech, E-Commerce, Future of Work, Digital Health and Wellness, Developer Tools, Cybersecurity, Communications, Fashion, AI, Marketing

16) Jonathan Sun

  • Fund: Horizan VC
  • Title: General Partner
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Pre-Seed
  • Sectors: Other, Travel, Transportation, Space, Social Impact, Sex, Sales Tech, Robotics, Food Services, Quantum Computing, Proptech, Professional or Technical Services, Parenting, Other Tech, Enterprise, Consumer, Media, Chemicals, Marketplaces, Manufacturing, Logistics, Legal, Internet of Things, Insurtech, DEI, Hospitality, Recruiting, Government Tech, eSports, Food and Beverage, Fintech, Entertainment, Electronics, EdTech, E-Commerce, Future of Work, Digital Health and Wellness, Developer Tools, Cybersecurity, Web3, Cloud, Communications, Fashion, Clean Tech, Cannabis, Internet of Things, Art, Cosmetics, AR/VR, AI, Agriculture Tech, Marketing

17) Karolina Mrozkova

  • Fund: White Star Capital
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Marketplaces, Consumer, Enterprise, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Transportation, Travel

18) Louise Harvey

  • Fund: Seedrs
  • Title: Manager – Institutional Investor Team
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Art, Cosmetics, Internet of Things, Cannabis, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Chemicals, Media, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Sex, Social Impact, Space, Transportation

19) Lulu Zhang

  • Fund: HSBC
  • Title: Head of Investments, APAC
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Marketing, AI, Cosmetics, Fashion, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Recruiting, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Sales Tech, Sex, Transportation

20) Megha Prakash

  • Fund: Forward Partners
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: AI, Internet of Things, AR/VR, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, Recruiting, DEI, Insurtech, Legal, Marketplaces, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Sales Tech, Travel

21) Raoul Fiano

  • Fund: DN Capital
  • Title: Venture Capital Investor
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Series A, Seed
  • Sectors: Marketing, AI, Cosmetics, Art, Clean Tech, Fashion, Cloud, Communications, Digital Health and Wellness, E-Commerce, Future of Work, EdTech, Developer Tools, Cybersecurity, Entertainment, Fintech, eSports, Recruiting, DEI, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Logistics, Marketplaces, Media, Enterprise, Consumer, Other Tech, Food Services, Sales Tech, Transportation, Travel

22) Vlad Tropko

  • Fund: Digital Horizon VC
  • Title: Partner
  • Location: London, UK
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Cloud, Communications, Developer Tools, Future of Work, Fintech, Insurtech, Enterprise, Other Tech, Professional or Technical Services, Proptech, Sales Tech, Social Impact

Hopefully this list helps you find more local investors that invest in companies in your sector. If you’re looking to pitch these investors + the rest of the Confluence.VC investor network, make sure to check out Commonapp.VC