18 Developer Tools Investors Based in Palo Alto

Your odds of raising from local investors are better than trying to raise capital from outside your city. We put together this list to help Palo Alto-based founders connect with developer tools-based investors that write checks into Developer Tools companies. Here are 18 investors that match that criteria.

1) Ajay Ramachandran

  • Fund: Happiness Ventures
  • Title: Founding Partner
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Internet of Things, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, DEI, Recruiting, Insurtech, Logistics, Marketplaces, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Sales Tech, Social Impact, Space, Transportation, Travel

2) Aki Jiang

  • Fund: World Innovation Lab (WiL)
  • Title: Investor / Economist
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, Fintech, Insurtech, Enterprise, Sales Tech, Social Impact

3) Brittany Walker

  • Fund: CRV
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Future of Work, EdTech, Fintech, eSports, Recruiting, Insurtech, Logistics, Marketplaces, Consumer, Enterprise, Sales Tech, Travel

4) Caitlin Bolnick

  • Fund: CRV
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Future of Work, Fintech, Enterprise

5) Chris Huether

  • Fund: PruVen Capital
  • Title: CFO, COO
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Cloud, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, Fintech, DEI, Insurtech, Proptech, Parenting

6) Elaine Dai

  • Fund: Norwest Venture Partners
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Internet of Things, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Consumer, Enterprise

7) Israel Munoz

  • Fund: Acrew Capital
  • Title: Associate Investor
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: Agriculture Tech, AI, AR/VR, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Developer Tools, Future of Work, EdTech, Fintech, Food and Beverage, eSports, Logistics

8) Lidiya Dervisheva

  • Fund: Next47
  • Title: Partner
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: Cloud, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Fintech, eSports, Insurtech, Logistics

9) Maria Salamanca

  • Fund: Ulu Ventures
  • Title: Partner
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AI, Internet of Things, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Future of Work, E-Commerce, Enterprise, Space

10) Matthew Divack

  • Fund: Moment Ventures
  • Title: Principal
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Agriculture Tech, AI, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Entertainment, Fintech, Food and Beverage, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Enterprise, Other Tech, Parenting, Proptech, Robotics, Social Impact, Space, Transportation

11) Michael D’Arrigo

  • Fund: Norwest Venture Partners
  • Title: Growth Equity Investor
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA
  • Stages: Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Cloud, Communications, Developer Tools, Cybersecurity, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, Logistics, Consumer, Enterprise, Other Tech, Professional or Technical Services, Sales Tech

12) Otilia Barbuta

  • Fund: HP
  • Title: Senior Associate / HP Tech Ventures
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA
  • Stages: Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, Agriculture Tech, AI, Internet of Things, Clean Tech, Cloud, Communications, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Fintech, eSports, Government Tech, DEI, Recruiting, Hospitality, Insurtech, Internet of Things, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Enterprise, Parenting, Proptech, Quantum Computing, Food Services, Robotics, Sales Tech, Space, Transportation, Travel

13) Rohit Rao

  • Fund: Cervin
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Quantum Computing, Enterprise, AI

14) Ryan Wexler

  • Fund: Dell Technologies Capital
  • Title: Venture Capital
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Enterprise

15) Sanchana Vasikaran

  • Fund: Norwest Venture Partners
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AR/VR, Marketing, AI, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Future of Work, Internet of Things, Enterprise, Other Tech, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Sales Tech

16) Stella Zhang

  • Fund: Conductive Ventures
  • Title: Investor
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA
  • Stages: Series A, Seed, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, AR/VR, Cosmetics, Communications, Web3, Cybersecurity, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, E-Commerce, EdTech, Electronics, Fintech, Recruiting, Internet of Things, Insurtech, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketplaces, Enterprise, Robotics, Sales Tech, Transportation

17) Tiffany Huang

  • Fund: Translink Capital
  • Title: Senior Associate
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA
  • Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Internet of Things, Cloud, Developer Tools, Future of Work, Internet of Things, Logistics, Robotics, Transportation

18) Victoria Cheng

  • Fund: PruVen Capital
  • Title: Partner
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA
  • Stages: Series A, Series B
  • Sectors: AI, Developer Tools, Digital Health and Wellness, Future of Work, Fintech, Insurtech, Legal, Marketplaces, Enterprise, Parenting, Sales Tech

Hopefully this list helps you find more local investors that invest in companies in your sector. If you’re looking to pitch these investors + the rest of the Confluence.VC investor network, make sure to check out Commonapp.VC